Poster abstracts from the 7th International Pacific Rim (PacRim) Breast and Prostate Cancer Meeting have been published in Oncology Abstracts, an online publication developed by Bioscientifica,
Abstracts & Posters
We will feature poster presentations (over two sessions) to share the latest information from current research and clinical findings with meeting participants. The poster sessions start on the first afternoon of the meeting prior to the Ron Ross Award Oration.
We encourage participants to submit an abstract for the poster sessions. Awards will be made for the best poster presentation by
- A Postdoctoral Fellow (0-5 years post receiving degree)
- A Postdoctoral Fellow (0-5 years post receiving degree)
- An Early Career Fellow (5-10 years post most relevant degree – PhD, MBBS, MD)
- A Mid-Career Fellow (10-15 years post most relevant degree – PhD, MBBS, MD)
A condition of participation in PacRim meetings is to treat all data presented as strictly confidential (and not be reproduced in any way or posted on social media) to encourage presentation and discussion of unpublished data.
Abstract and Poster Instructions
Abstract and Poster instructions will be detailed on the Registration Form.
Poster Set-up
Participants should aim to set up their posters immediately after registration and at the latest during the afternoon coffee break on Sunday March 17, as the first poster session will be held before the Ron Ross Award on that day. Fabric poster boards will be available in the area outside the Shiraz Room (the venue for the meeting).