PacRim Breast and Prostate Cancer Group
6th PacRim Breast & Prostate Cancer Meeting
July 20-24, 2015
Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington


Thank you to those listed below who have contributed so much to the organization of the 6th PacRim Breast and Prostate Cancer Meeting. The success of the PacRim Meeting is due, in great part, to the contributions of these committees:

Local Organizing Committee

Steve Plymate, Peggy Porter, Janet Stanford, Peter Nelson, Julie Gralow, Wayne Tilley

International Advisory Group

Co-Chairs: Steve Plymate and Peggy Porter

Members: Tomasz Beer, Nigel Brooks, Lisa Coussens, Colin Collins, Johann deBono, Nora Disis, Patricia Elizalde, John Forbes, Martin Gleave, Julie Gralow, Joe Gray, Geof Greene, Mary-Claire King, Karen Knudsen, Paul Lange, Connie Lehman, Dan Lin, Lorelei Mucci, Leigh Murphy, Torsten Nielsen, Colleen Nelson, Peter Nelson, Mark Pegram, Ken Pienta, Steve Plymate, Peggy Porter, Michael Press, Juergen Reichardt, Paul Rennie, Gail Risbridger, Hiro Sasano, Howard Scher, Howard Soule, Janet Stanford, Chris Sweeney, Wayne Tilley, Don Tindall, Yuzhuo “YZ” Wang, Hong Wu, Evan Yu

Ron Ross Award Committee

Juergen Reichardt (Chair), Kathleen Malone, Paul Rennie, Gail Risbridger, Wayne Tilley